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Kami Cinta Kurt Cobain Nirvana dan Grunge

Kami Cinta Kurt Cobain Nirvana dan Grunge

Peace, Love, and Emphaty

by : Dika

Catatan Penting

Blog ini, Tulisan ini saya rangkum untuk semua orang yang sangat menyukai dan mengagumi sosok kontroversial dan sosok paling berpengaruh dalam industri dan perkembangan musik Rock ‘n Roll di dunia ini yaitu Kurt Cobain.
Serta untuk para masyarakat awam yang hanya senang bermusik, musik dan menyukai seni dimanapun anda berada.
Untuk penggemar Nirvana dan musik Grunge dimanapun anda berada. Serta untuk keluargaku dan anda semua.
thanks for eveything.

Daftar Isi

Ucapan Terima Kasih 1
Catatan Dika 2

1. Sejarah singkat Grunge 3
2. Sejarah singkat Nirvana 7
3. Sejarah singkat Kurt Cobain 8
4. Sejarah singkat Post-Grunge 11
5. Album – Album Nirvana 13
6. Lirik – Lirik Nirvana 14
7. Arti dari Lagu – Lagu Nirvana 95
8. Jurnal : Surat Cinta Kurt kepada Courtney 99
9. Referensi dan Sumber 102

Ucapan Terima Kasih

Disini saya hanya mengumpulkan artikel – artikel dari situs website yang saya temukan, tentu saja dari Google ( oh well ) , hahahhaa.... Terima kasih buat Tuhan Y.M.E yang karena rahmatnya saya bisa menyelesaikan semua ini. Terima kasih buat semuanya. Kalian semua hebat. Peace, Love, Emphaty.

Artikel singkat ini hanya mengulas dan ,menceritakan tentang kisah singkat Kurt Cobain, Nirvana, dan Grunge, yang mungkin lebih banyak membahas album dan lagu Nirvana.

Semoga saja saya masih bisa mengumpulkan sumber – sumber yang lebih komplit lagi tentang Kurt Cobain dan Grunge. Tidak hanya Nirvana.


Catatan Dika

Semua yang ada di sini saya ambil dari website dan mungkin sedikit perubahan dan tambahan adalah dari saya sendiri. Keep Grunge Alive


1. Sejarah Singkat Grunge

Grunge (kadang-kadang disebut juga Seattle sound) adalah sebuah sub genre dari rock alternatif yang muncul pada pertengahan 1980-an di negara Amerika Washington, khususnya di wilayah Seattle. Terinspirasi oleh punk rock, heavy metal dan indie rock, grunge umumnya dikenali melalui suara distorsi gitar yang berat dan lirik melankonis atau apatistik.
Gerakan awal grunge mulai terlihat pada akhir tahun 1980-an di sekitar Seattle melalui label independen Sub Pop. Grunge menjadi sukses secara komersial pada paruh pertama tahun 1990-an, terutama karena dirilisnya Nevermind oleh Nirvana dan Ten oleh Pearl Jam. Keberhasilan band-band ini meningkatkan popularitas rock alternatif dan membuat grunge menjadi bentuk musik yang paling populer pada waktu itu. Namun, banyak band grunge tidak nyaman dengan popularitas. Meskipun banyak band grunge yang bubar atau menghilang dari pada akhir 1990-an, pengaruh mereka terus memiliki dampak bagi perkembangan musik rock modern selanjutnya.
Grunge adalah suatu musik yang menceritakan tentang luapan yang ada di dalam diri, atau menceritakan tentang kisah hidup yang tak bisa dilupakan.

Diskusi ini diawali dengan pertanyaan, apakah arti Grunge ? Arti kata Grunge itu sendiri dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Perancis dan juga Bahasa Jerman yang masing-masing katanya adalah kamus paling lengkap, tetapi nggak ada penjelasan tentang kata tersebut. Bahkan dalam kamus bahasa "slang" Amerika terbitan Gramedia hanya ada dua kata yang mirip Grunge. Yaitu Grungt yang artinya muak dan Grung yang artinya muram. Sedangkan salah satu responden diskusi menambahkan ada satu kata lagi yang mirip yaitu Grunchy yang artinya jorok.(Arti kata Grunge itu sendiri mungkin ada diantara kalian yang lebih tahu? aku mohon dengan amat sangat untuk saling bertukar informasi).



Musik Grunge diawali trend pemunculannya pada awal tahun '80an walau telah ada sebuah band yang memainkan musik Grunge yang telah muncul pada tahun '60an yaitu Crosby, Still, Nash dan Young (Literatur:sejarah Musik Dunia, Gramedia). Bahkan group band ini sempat memeriahkan WoodStock'69. Disini mereka menyumbangkan 3 tembang Grunge dalam versi unplugged. Kemudian grup musik ini bubar karena kalah dengan trend Punk pada tahun '70an. Hanya tinggal Neil Young yang tetap bisa beradaptasi dan bertahan sehingga membuatnya dijuluki "The Goodfather Of Grunge". (sumber : Majalah Hai,edisi-WoodStock)


Dalam salah satu konsernya Jimmy Hendrik beratraksi dengan gitarnya menuangi cat dengan berteriak "Grunge!" maka jadilah sebuah aliran musik yang bernama Grunge (ha..ha..haaa did you ever believe that bullshit!). Okelah mungkin memang benar Jimmy Hendrik mengucapkan kata Grunge, tetapi apa hanya karena itu sejarah musik Grunge tercipta dimuka bumi ini ? Of Course Not!. Sejarah suatu aliran musik tentulah melewati suatu fase-fase yang panjang, salah satunya adalah gaya hidup.


Suatu musik pastilah terpengaruh oleh gaya hidup yang dianut, contohnya dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Begitu pula Musik Grunge sangat dipengaruhi oleh gaya hidup NgeGrunge. Lalu kalian pingin tahu gaya hidup Grunge yang sebenarnya? Bener kalian pingin tahu? Kalian sudah siap sakit hati? Okelah kalau kalian sudah siap untuk sakit hati. Gaya hidup Grunge yang sebenarnya adalah Sampah!.. It's True!. Bahwa gaya hidup Grunge yang asli dari sononya memang adalah gaya hidup yang erat kaitannya dengan sampah. Mereka makan sehari-harinya dari sampah yang dipungut dan dari koin recehan yang dilempar orang, hidup dari tunjangan sosial pemerintah, tidur mabuk di trotoar atau di bangku-bangku taman, sekali-kali ngompas dan melakukan tindak kriminal dan banyak hal lain yang kurang pantas untuk kita terapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Itulah mengapa para musisi pengusung musik Grunge menolak dengan tegas apabila mereka`dijuluki`musisi`Grunge!`Mereka`antara`lain: Sound Garden dan Alice in Chains. Mereka lebih bangga disebut musisi Hard Rock (pernah lihat album mereka dalam HardRock`Compilations#1).SilverChair dan Pearl Jam lebih bangga jika disebut musisi Alternatif/modern Rock. Hal ini dibuktikan pendapat dari Daniel John (SilverChair) yang mengatakan dirinya sangat menyukai musik Grunge tetapi menolak dengan keras jika disebut musisi Grunge. Dia menolak karena mereka mempunyai fasilitas, mereka kuliah, hidup layak dan kemana-mana naik mobil.

Dan yang ini mungkin paling menyakitkan sorry guys...Sad But True! Nirvana dan Kurt Cobain juga menolak disebut musisi Grunge. Cobain sendiri lebih senang disebut Punkers, karena mereka lebih bisa berfikir dan menyelami jiwa masihng-masing, bukan hanya karena lagunya enak lantas mereka menari dalam berbagai istilah (pogo,moshing,ect..) tetapi nggak tahu apa yang mereka inginkan disampaikan dari lagu tersebut. Cobain sangat membenci ulah anak-anak Grunge yang sedemikian apatis dan egois (ingat lyric In Bloom? Lets check the Lyric!). Kalian pernah melihat t-shirt "Grunge is Dead " ? kalo kepengen lihat bisa sekalian aku copykan. Cobain sendiri sebenarnya pingin membentuk Nirvana band Punk (do you remember ?). Ini dibuktikan bahwa dengan pendapat Christ Novoselic yang menjelaskan bahwa Cobain sebenarnya menginginkan Nirvana menjadi sebuah band Punk bernuansa seperti Sex Pistols tetapi karena ia kekurangan referensi maka jadilah Nirvana menjadi sebuah band Punk yang aneh!(oh..well)

Tetapi band-band tadi sependapat dalam satu hal bahwa Grunge bukanlah gaya hidup yang mereka anut walaupun mereka memainkan musik Grunge, tetapi lebih pada unsur bahwa Grunge is Soul yang mencerminkan tentang kejiwaan yang redup, bercerita tentang sisi lain dari dunia yang orang lain menganggapnya sinting dan lebih pada sifat koreksi pada diri sendiri (gimana kalian setuju nggak dengan yang satu ini?). Di Amerika sendiri kaum Grunge berbaur dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari dengan kaum Punk dan ketika ditanya kenapa nggak sekalian masuk ke musik Punk? Mereka menjawab bahwa itu adalah masalah selera, tidak semua orang menyukai hamburger, ada juga yang suka steak`atau`hot`dog`(masuk`akal`juga).

Lalu bagaimana ciri dari musik Grunge yang mereka sukai itu? Seorang Punk Traveller yang baru saja berkunjung dari Seattle memberikan sedikit penjelasan padaku mengenai musik kaum Grunge disana. Disana mereka berkumpul dalam setiap sudut sepanjang trotoar sambil memainkan instrument musik, berteriak-teriak nggak keruan tetapi dalam konteks musik tersebut dan menganggap bahwa musik tersebut adalah penyampaian dari isi hati mereka (mirip dengan musik soul tetapi yang ini lebih nggak keruan).


Bagaimana perkembangan musik Grunge di daerah asalnya sana? Jawabannya adalah: menurun drastis! Bahkan sekarang disana muncul lagi dengan trend baru dari musisi pengusung / yang memainkan musik Grunge (tahu khan bedanya musisi Grunge dengan musisi pengusung Grunge?). Trend baru ini disebut Seattle Sounds Coopment yaitu pengembangan dan pencampuran antara musik Grunge dengan musik Seattle Sound (lain waktu mungkin akan aku ulas mengenai seattle sound berdasarkan data yang aku peroleh). Para pengusung Seattle Sounds Coopment ini antara lain: Creed dan juga dapat dilihat dari album terbaru Bush dan Pearl Jam, sedangkan SilverChair dengan kecerdasannya dalam bermusik telah berhasil menggabungkan antara Grunge, Seattle Sound`dengan`musik`kontemporer`dan`Modern(industrial).


Mereka menyebutnya "Musik of Future"(well down). Yang paling mengesankan justru perkembangan musik Grunge di Australia, oh ya di Australia kaum Grunge berbaur dengan penduduk asli sana yaitu kaum Aborigin. Mereka bersatu dan bekerja sama karena musuh utama mereka adalah kaum BONE HEAD. Dan hal ini sama sekali tidak membuat pemerintah untuk membuka matanya menyelamatkan suku Aborogin walau pernah perkampungan mereka dibakar habis! (kalau mengenai ini aku dengar dari wartawan Australia yang kemarin nongkrong di kampus dan bicara omong kosong selama lebih dari dua jam). Kembali ke topik pembicaraan semula! Perkembangan Musik Grunge disana terdongkrak dari kebijaksanaan pemerintah setempat dalam bidang kepariwisatannya. Musik Grunge disana dimasukan dalam agenda pariwisata, dicetak namanya dalam pamflet dan brosur-brosur dan main di Pub-pub elite sekelas dengan musik Jazz dan mempunyai penggemar dan pencinta seni dari kalangan elite pula (sumber: Agenda Pariwisata Australia th'98; perpustakaan Departemen Pariwisata Seni dan`Budaya`Jawa`Timur).


Kita menyimpulkan bahwa Grunge adalah Jiwa (Grunge is Soul), bukan gaya hidup yang dianut`oleh`sebagian`besar`musisi`pengusung`musiknya.Kita`tahu`adanya`perbedaan antara musisi Grunge dengan musisi pengusung Grunge (kalian termasuk yang mana?).
Aktif berfikir dan berorganisasi yang positif sehingga menjadikan musik Grunge sebagai musik pergerakan, musik yang meneriakkan kemuakan kita terhadap apa saja yang kita anggap perlu untuk diubah. Dalam hal ini kita tidak boleh kalah dengan Punk / Hardcore yang telah melaju meninggalkan kita. Sekali lagi mari kita tinggalkan jiwa apatis dan egois yang kita adaptasi dari kaum Grunge. Dalam hal aktif berorganisasi positif ini banyak dari musisi pengusung Grunge dan Seattle Sound yang dapat kita teladani. Mereka`antar`alain:

1. Christ Novoselic (Sweet'75), Aktif mengurusi dan menggalang dana bagi organisasi yang`peduli`dengan`kaum`pengungsi`korban`perang.

2. Dave Grohl (Foo Fighter) dan Sonic Youth, bersama mereka aktif menggalang dana dengan mengadakan konser-konser amal keliling kampus demi kemerdekaan Tibet (Concert`of`Tibetan`Freedom).

3. SilverChair, aktif dalam kampanye perlindungan terhadap hewan, menentang perburuan hewan liar dan percobaan kimia terhadap hewan (Animal Liberation Organization).

4. SilverChair dan Pearl Jam, aktif dalam organisasi menjaga kelestarian laut (check compilations`Album:Music`for`Our`Motheroceans).


5. Bush, aktif dalam organisasi semi politik melawan segala bentuk rasisme (Artist Against`Racism).

segera tinggalkan sikap eksklusivisme!! mulailah belajar untuk bergaul dan berbaur tanpa merasa yang satu lebih tinggi dari yang lainnya dan menganggap bahwa musik adalah bahasa pemersatu. Kalian ingatkan bahwa di Amerika kaum Grunge berbaur dengan Punk dan di Australia mereka berbaur dengan suku Aborigin. Nah ! mereka yang sehari-hari otaknya dicekoki oleh alkohol saja bisa begitu kenapa kita tidak ?

2. Sejarah Singkat Nirvana

Nirvana adalah nama sebuah grup band dari kota Aberdeen, Washington, Amerika Serikat, kemudian akhirnya mereka mendapatkan kesuksesan di kota Seattle, Amerika Serikat, yang terkenal dengan aliran musik grunge, atau yang dikenal juga dengan Seattle Sound. Band ini memiliki banyak pengikut atau fans setia di Indonesia, terutama dalam komunitas musik underground.
Nirvana mulai digemari, dan dikenal oleh dunia sejak dirilisnya album mereka yang berjudul Nevermind, dengan single yang dijagokan yaitu Smells Like Teen Spirit, single ini membuat mereka mendapatkan tropi The Best Alternative/Rock Band dan sempat menduduki tangga nada pertama di Billboard Amerika. Nirvana terdiri dari Krist Novoselic, Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, band ini bubar setelah Kurt Cobain bunuh diri pada tahun 1994.
Asal : Aberdeen, Washington, Amerika Serikat
Tahun aktif : 1987–1994
Genre : Rock Alternatif, Grunge, Punk Rock
Perusahaan rekaman : Sub Pop, DGC
Anggota : Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl

3. Sejarah Singkat Kurt Cobain ( versi 1 )

Kurt Donald Cobain (20 Februari 1967 – ± 5 April 1994) adalah penyanyi, penulis lagu dan gitaris dalam band grunge dari Seattle, Nirvana. Dengan sukses band ini, Cobain menjadi selebriti nasional dan internasional, suatu posisi yang disandangnya dengan berat hati.
Pada 1991, melejitnya lagu Cobain yang paling terkenal, Smells Like Teen Spirit, menandai bermulanya perubahan besar dalam musik pop dari jenis musik yang populer di tahun 1980-an seperti glam metal, arena rock, dan dance-pop, kepada grunge dan alternative rock.
Selain itu lagu-lagu tulisan Cobain lainnya misalnya About a Girl, Come as You Are, In Bloom, Lithium, Heart-Shaped Box, All Apologies, dan Rape Me.
Cobain menikah dengan Courtney Love pada 24 Februari 1992 di Waikiki, Hawaii. Pada 18 Agustus, 1992, Frances Bean Cobain dilahirkan.
Pada 1 Maret 1994, setelah konser di München, Jerman, Cobain didiagnosa dengan bronchitis dan laryngitis yang parah. Ia diterbangkan ke Roma hari berikutnya untuk menjalani pengobatan, dan istrinya bergabung pada 3 Maret.
Pagi berikutnya, Love bangun dan menemukan Cobain sudah overdose dengan paduan dari champagne dan Rohypnol. Ia dilarikan ke rumah sakit dan setelah lima hari di sana diperbolehkan pulang. Karena masalah drugs ini, Cobain dimasukkan ke panti rehabilitasi pada tanggal 30 Maret. Pada malam 1 April, Cobain keluar untuk merokok dan kemudian kabur dari panti tersebut dengan memanjat pagar. Ia kemudian pergi ke Seattle dan menghilang.
Pada tanggal 3 April, Love menghubungi seorang private investigator, Tom Grant, dan menyewanya untuk menemukan Cobain. Pada tanggal 8 April 1994, jenazah Cobain ditemukan di sebuah ruangan di atas garasi rumahnya di Lake Washington oleh pegawai Veca Electric bernama Gary Smith. Otopsi kemudian memperkirakan Cobain tewas pada 5 April 1994.

Kurt Cobain tetap diingat dan memberikan inspirasi kepada para fans setianya, pada 13 Mei 2010 - 6 September 2010, Seattle Art Museum menggelar pameran bertemakan "Kurt" untuk memberikan penghormatan.[

Sejarah Singkat Kurt Cobain ( versi 2 )
Dalam pengalamannya melalui segala kebusukan hidup, baik yang internal dan eksternal, dia diam-diam memiliki dua hal yang dipandangnya secara sakral : Pertama, sebuah niat untuk tidak pernah menjadi orang tua seperti kedua orang tuanya ; dan kedua, sebuah sumpah bahwa jika nanti memiliki anak, dia akan memberi anak itu sebuah dunia yang lebih baik dari yang dulu dimilikinya. Itulah penuturan Kurt Cobain tentang apa yang ingin dicapainya dalam dunia ini.
Tapi sontak semua pemerhati musik dan para fansnya berduka saat Kurt Donald Cobain atau yang lebih kita kenal sebagai Kurt Cobain vokalis band grunge “NIRVANA” memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidupnya dengan cara yang sungguh amat tak terduga, berikut adalah sedikit review tentang buku yang menulis biografinya.
Sekarang ia sudah pergi dan bergabung dengan kelompok konyol itu. Saya sudah mengingatkan dia supaya tidak bergabung dengan kelompok konyol itu.” ungkap Wendy, ibunya`yang`disiarkan`keseluruh`media`dunia.Kelompok konyol yang dimaksud itu terdiri dari Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, yang semuanya kebetulan tewas di usia 27 tahun.
Kurt Donald Cobain, lahir pada Februari 1967. Seorang legenda musik rock yang nama dan karyanya akan selalu kita ingat. Meninggal di usia 27 tahun. Memutuskan untuk melakukan bunuh diri di dalam rumah kacanya.
Sebuah penelusuran yang sempurna yang dilakukan oleh Cross. Empat tahun dan empat ratus wawancara ia lakukan berhasil memperdalam isi buku ini. Ia menjadikan buku ini seperti sebuah petualangan yang menarik. Petualangan? Yup. Di buku ini kita bisa masuk dalam perjalanan hidup seorang Kurt Cobain, mulai dari dia kecil, pengalamannya jadi cleaning service, tidur di bawah jembatan dan emperan toko, perjuangan Nirvana manggung di banyak kota dengan vannya. Selain itu kita juga bisa baca penuturan Cross tentang kematian si rockstar ini dan mengutarakan tentang semua penyebab kematiannya.
Kurt Cobain. Seorang anak pemalu dengan bakat luar biasa dalam segi artistik dan musikal, yang mempunyai kenangan buruk akan masa kecilnya. Menjadikan tulisan, musik dan seni lainnya sebagai pelampiasannya. Di buku ini Cross juga berhasil mengungkap berbagai kontradiksi dalam diri seorang Kurt Cobain.

Ya, yang kita semua tau khan Kurt adalah tipe orang yang memakai heroin dalam dosis yang kurang wajar dan bisa mati karena hal itu, namun ternyata Kurt bukan tipe orang yang bakal mati karena kecelakaan mobil.
Karena ia selalu menyetir dengan kecepatan yang sangat lambaat. Ia juga tipe orang yang selalu mengeluhkan ketenarannya, namun ternyata ia juga orang yang akan marah-marah kalau klipnya jarang diputar di MTV. Dia seperti paradoks di dalam banyak kesempatan, karena dia bisa saja berlaku brutal tapi juga kelihatan rapuh dalam waktu bersamaan. Dan nyatanya Kurt juga merupakan orang yang sangat sensitif. Ia sangat mudah bergaul dengan anak kecil.
Walaupun kisah cintanya dengan Courtney Love bukanlah kisah cinta yang “biasa”, pada satu titik tertentu hal itu masih memiliki sentimen tradisionalnya. Sebagai dua orang penulis, mereka seperti sedang berlomba-lomba menyenangkan hati pasangannya dengan tulisan.
Beberapa faks yang dikirimnya itu mengandung kata-kata yang nantinya akan dia pakai sebagai lirik lagunya, seperti yang terdapat dalam faks 8 November : “I am doll parts, bad skin, doll hearts, it stands for a knife, for the rest of my life, peel my little heart off, and`soak`it`in`your`left`hand`and`call`me`tonight.”

Kurt Cobain adalah sebuah misteri. Bahkan pada satu wawancara dengan Charless Cross, yang menulis buku ini. Ia yang sudah empat tahun menghabiskan hari-harinya untuk merangkai buku ini pun tetap kesulitan untuk memahami kepribadian Kurt. Dan ini juga dialami oleh semua orang termasuk orang-orang terdekatnya. Yang jelas Kurt memang seorang yang sangat rapuh; di beberapa wawancara ia selalu membicarakan tentang kematian dan bunuh diri. Sisinya yang rapuh tergambar jelas di dalam surat kematiaanya:
“I feel guilty beyond the word about these things. For example, when we’re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins it doesn’t affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury who seem to love, relish in the love and adoration from the crowd. Which is something totally admire and envy. The fact is I can’t fool you. Any one of you. It simply isn’t fair to you or me…..
……….Sometimes i feel as if i should have a punch in time clock before I walk out to stage. I’ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it, and I do. God believe me I do, but it’s not enough. I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they’re gone. I’m too sensitive. I need to be sightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child, in our last three tour I’ve had a much better appreciation for all the people I’ve known personally and as fans of our music, but I still can’t get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for every one. There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much. So much that it makes me feel too fuckin sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pieces, Jesus Man!”

Krist Novoselic, bassis Nirvana yang juga teman dekatnya pun merasa sangat bingung dengan kepribadian temannya yang satu ini. Ia hanya bisa berpesan :

“Kita kenang Kurt apa adanya; perhatian, murah hati, dan baik. Mari kita kenang terus musiknya. Kita tidak akan pernah kehilangan lagunya. Kurt menghormati fans-nya dengan kode etik yang berdasar pada prinsip punk rock. Tidak ada band yang spesial; tidak ada royalti pemain. Kalau kamu punya gitar dan keinginan kuat, mainkan musik apa saja dan lakukan sungguh-sungguh, kamulah bintangnya. Mainkan nada dan irama yang manusiawi. Musik itu sendiri. Kalau kamu mau, masa bodo, langsung aja pakai gitarmu layaknya drum. Cari saja satu irama dan mainkan sesuai keinginan hatimu. Itu yang ingin Kurt tujukan pada kita : dalam hati kita. Dan disanalah musik akan abadi.”Well, sekarang hanya musiknya yang bisa kita dengar. Kurt Cobain akan tetap menjadi seorang Kurt Cobain, yang akan kita kenal karena telah berhasil mengibarkan bendera aliran Grunge dan menjadi inspirator bagi banyak band yang memuja hasil karyanya. With all salute of him, May God Bleess Him there.
4. Sejarah Singkat Post – Grunge
Post-grunge (post- = pasca-; sesudah) adalah sebuah genre musik yang muncul tidak lama setelah genre grunge menguasai pasar musik global. Merupakan sebuah turunan dari grunge, memiliki karakter khas grunge tapi dengan beberapa perbedaan yang mencolok diantaranya tema-tema lirik yang lebih cerah ketimbang grunge yang cenderung kelam, dan pemilihan warna suara-suara distorsi yang jauh lebih mudah dicerna untuk selera radio dan industri. Membuat band-band post-grunge seperti Foo Fighters, Creed, dan Nickelback diantaranya menikmati sukses besar secara komersil.
1990-an awal hingga pertengahan 1990-an

Kurt Cobain, Nirvana ketika tampil pada 1992
Bermula pada awal tahun ‘90-an, rock alternatif yang sudah menggeliat dari tahun ‘80-an mulai mendapat tempat di hati pasar, membuat label-label besar tertarik dengan jenis musik ini. Selain britpop, grunge adalah salah satu genre dari rock alternatif yang populer kala itu. Dan grunge secara mengejutkan meledak cepat di pasaran global, menggeser takhta yang diduduki oleh hair-metal/glam-metal (lain dengan glam-rock) sebagai genre populer saat itu. Beberapa band punggawanya yaitu Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, dan Soundgarden. Lantas memasuki pertengahan ‘90-an, meninggalnya Kurt Cobain serta beberapa permasalahan tur Pearl Jam menandai mulai turunnya tren grunge kala itu. Sedangkan label-label besar mendatangkan kontrak dengan band-band yang memiliki karakter hampir serupa dengan band-band grunge populer, sehingga bermunculanlah band-band yang berasal dari luar Seattle.
Tercatat beberapa nama diantaranya Bush, Collective Soul, Candlebox, Live, Silverchair, dan tidak didominasi laki-laki saja, seorang seniman solois multi-platinum Alanis Morissette pun, berdiri tegak di dalam barisan yang baru ini.

Foo fighters ketika tampil pada bulan November 2007
Istilah post-grunge itu sendiri baru mulai kerap digunakan setelah meledaknya album perdana “Foo Fighters“ di pasaran. Digawangi oleh beberapa mantan anggota Nirvana, Foo Fighters menjadi titik tumpu pergerakan dan atas pertanyaan penting pada masa itu, “Adakah kehidupan setelah Nirvana?” dan telah terjawab mantap oleh mereka. Setelah itulah untuk pertama kalinya band-band di luar lingkaran Seattle seperti yang beberapa tadi disebutkan di atas mulai masuk ke dalam kategori post-grunge. Inilah angkatan pertama dari post-grunge.
Pemuncak catatan angkatan pertama ini adalah Frogstomp dari Silverchair, tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai multi-platinum hit, dan akhirnya membantu pengategorian post-grunge menjadi dua kelompok besar; yakni mereka yang muncul sebelum Frogstomp, dan mereka yang muncul setelahnya.
Akhir 1990-an

Human Clay oleh Creed rilis pada 28 September 1999
Pada akhir 90-an mulai bermunculan band post-grunge angkatan berikutnya dengan digawangi Creed dan Matchbox Twenty. Creed sendiri mencatat prestasi dengan meluncurkan Human Clay, melampaui Frogstomp dalam hal penjualan dan jam tayang, menjadikannya rekor penjualan terbesar setelah Nevermind milik Nirvana. Beberapa karakteristik dari post-grunge angkatan sebelumnya pun mulai sedikit ditinggalkan, bermain dengan pola-pola tempo sedang, tema-tema lagu yang cenderung konvensional, dan tidak jarang menyentuh ranah romantisme. Kontras berlawanan dengan apa yang biasa diangkat oleh band grunge aslinya, seperti adiksi, depresi, bunuh diri, kebohongan publik, dan lain sebagainya.
Awal 2000-an hingga pertengahan 2000-an

Memasuki awal 2000 band-band post-grunge ini mengalami penurunan, ditandai pula dengan bertumbuhnya kelompok-kelompok Boyband dan Hip-hop.
Pada masa ini pula genre-genre pada rock alternatif sudah sedemikian tercampur satu dengan lainnya, termasuk band-band baru post-grunge yang banyak mengadopsi pop punk dan nu metal ke dalam musiknya, sehingga istilah “post-grunge” menjadi kurang tepat digunakan, alih-alih “modern-rock” atau “nu-rock” mulai menggantikan posisi tersebut. Tren ini terus berlangsung dan pada pertengahan 2000-an generasi-generasi baru post-grunge (walaupun jarang disebut demikian lagi), seperti Audioslave, Puddle of Mudd, dan Nickelback adalah beberapa diantaranya yang cukup berhasil menikmati sukses komersil mereka.
2010 hingga sekarang
Memasuki 2010-an beberapa band post-grunge yang muncul dan masih memegang teguh tradisi post-grunge diantaranya adalah Shinedown, The Vines, Seether, dll

5. Album- Album Nirvana


Floyd The Barber
About A Girl
Love Buzz
Paper Cuts
Negative Creep
Swap Meet
Mr. Moustache
Big Cheese


If you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to lose
If you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe
Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
If you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to lose
If you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe
(x2) Is there another reason for your stain
Could you believe who we knew was stress or strain?
Here is another word that rhymes with shame
(x8) You could do anything

Floyd the Barber

Bell on door clanks - come on in
Floyd observes my hairy chin
Sit down [in the] chair, don't be afraid
Steamed hot towel on my face
I'm ashamed (x3)
Barney ties me to the chair
I can't see, I'm really scared
Floyd breathes hard, I hear a zip
Pee-Pee pressed against my lips
I was shamed (x3)
I sense others in the room
Opie Aunt Bee, I presume
They take turns and cut me up
I die smothered in Andy's clutch
I was shamed (x3)

Corrected in accordance with the Kurt Cobain 'Journals' book.

About a Girl

I need an easy friend
I do with an ear to lend
I don't think you fit this shoe
I do won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I do
I'm standing in your line
I do hope you have the time
I do pick a number too
I do keep a date with you
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I need an easy friend
I do with an ear to lend
I do think you fit this shoe
I do won't you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
No, I can't see you every night
I do ... (x4)


(x4) Won't you believe it
It's just my luck
(x3) No recess

(x4) Won't you believe it
It's just my luck
(x3) No recess
(x8) You're in high school again
(x7) No recess

Love Buzz

Would you believe me when I tell you
You are the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems
(x4) Can you feel my love buzz?
Would you believe me when I do you
You are the queen of my heart
Please don't deceive me when I hurt you
Just ain't the way it seems
(x4) Can you feel my love buzz?

Originally by Shocking Blue. Written by Robbie Van Leeuwen.

Paper Cuts

When I'm feeling tired
She pushed food through the door
And I crawl towards the crack of light
Sometimes I can't find my way
Newspapers spread around
Soaking all that they can
A cleaning is due again
- a good hosing down
The lady whom I feel maternal love for
Cannot look me in the eyes
But I see hers and they are blue
And they cock and twitch and masturbate!
I said so (x3)
Nirvana (x6)
Black windows of paint
I scratched with my nails
I see others just like me
Why do they not try to escape?
They bring out the older ones
They point in my way
They come with a flash of light
And take my family away

And very later I have learned
To accept some friends of ridicule
My whole existence is for your amusement
And that is why I'm here with you!
To take
Me with
You're right
Nirvana (x8)

Negative Creep

This is out of our reach (x3)
and it's grown
This is getting to be (x3)
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm stoned!
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm ... (x2)
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6)
This is out of our range (x3)
and it's crude
This is getting to be (x3)
like drone
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm stoned!
I'm a negative creep (x3)
and I'm ... (x2)
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x6)
Fuck! Yeah!
Daddy's little girl ain't a girl no more (x14)


In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)
Heal a million, kill a million (x3)
In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)
Heal a million, kill a million (x3)
In my eyes, I'm not lazy
In my face, It's not over
In your room, I'm not older
In your eyes, I'm not worth it
Gimme back my alcohol (x7)
Heal a million, kill a million (x3)

Swap Meet

They lead a lifetime that is comfortable
They travel far to keep their stomachs full
They make their living off of arts and crafts
The kind with seashells, driftwood and burlap
They make a deal when they come to town
The Sunday swap meet is a battle ground
She loves him more than he will ever know
He loves her more than he will ever show
-- Keeps his cigarettes close to his heart
-- Keeps her photographs close to her heart
-- Keeps the bitterness close to the heart

Mr. Moustache

Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your might and wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud
Show me how you question, question
Lead the way to my temptations
Take my hand and keep it clean
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud
Is he in an easychair?
-- Oversized rock
I don't like you anyway
-- Seal it in a box (alt: Silver metal box)
I'm new (x2)
Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your might and wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud
Show me how you question, question
Lead the way to my temptations
Take my hand and keep it clean
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud
Is he in an easychair?
-- Oversized rock
I don't like you anyway
-- Seal it in a box (alt: Silver metal box)
I'm new
I'm you


Afraid - to grade
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cross, self loss
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn't it be fun?
Some fear none
Wouldn't it be fun?
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Preacher said
"Don't have nothing for you" (x7)
Spell the smell
Wouldn't it be fun?
Search for church
Wouldn't it be fun?
Wet your bed
Wouldn't it be fun?
Cold in coals
Wouldn't it be fun?
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Teacher said,
Your eyes ...
Preacher said (x2)
"Don't have nothing for you" (x7)
"Don't have nothing for you" (x9)

Big Cheese

Big cheese - make me
Mine says, "Go [to] the office"
Big cheese - make me
Mine says, "One that stays"
Black is black, straight back
Need more enemies
Show you all what a man is
Need more ememies
Big lies - make my
Mine says "Go [to] the office"
Big cheese - make me
Message? What is it?
Black is black, straight back
Need more enemies
She is glue, how are you?
Big cheese - make me
Mine says "Go [to] the office"
Big cheese - make me
Message? What is it?
Black is black, straight back
Need more enemies
She is glue, how are you?
Black is black, straight back
Need more enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?
Need more enemies
She is glue, how are you?
Need more enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?


Portray sincerity
Act out of loyalty
Defend every country
Wish away the pain
Hand out lobotomies
To save little families
Surrealistic fantasy
Bland, boring pain!
Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing

Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words as you go along, I sing then some
Sickening pessimist hypocrite master
Conservative Communist apocalyptic bastard
Thank you dear God for putting me on this Earth
I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst!
Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing
Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words as you go along, I sing then some


Smells Like Teen Spirit
In Bloom
Come as you are
Territorial Pissings
Drain You
Lounge Act
Stay Away
On A Plain
Something In The Way
Endless, Nameless

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Load up on guns and bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over bored and self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yay! (x3)
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
Yay! (x3)
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it's hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
My libido
A denial! (x9)

In Bloom

Sell the kids for food
-- weather changes moods
Spring is here again
-- reproductive glands
Hey - He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Don't know what it means, when I say:

He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...
We can have some more -- nature is a whore
Bruises on the fruit -- tender age in bloom
Hey - He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Don't know what it means, when I say:
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it mean's when I say:
He's the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means (x2)
Knows not what it means when I say aahh ...

Come As You Are

Come as you are, as you were,
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend, as an old enemy.
Take your time, hurry up
The choice is yours, don't be late.
Take a rest, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend, as an old memoria
Memoria (x3)
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x2)
Memoria (x3)
Memoria - and I don't have a gun
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun (x4)
Memoria (x2)


I don't care (x5)
Care if I'm old
I don't mind (x5)
Mind, don't have a mind
Get away (x4)
Away, away from your home
I'm afraid (x5)
Afraid, afraid of a ghost
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We could plant a house
We could build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)
I don't care (x5)
Care if I'm old
I don't mind (x5)
Mind, I don't have a mind
Get away (x4)
Away, away from your home
I'm afraid (x4)
Afraid, afraid of a ghost
Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We can plant a house
We can build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)

Even if you have
Even if you need
I don't mean to stare
We don't have to breed
We can plant a house
We can build a tree
I don't even care
We could have all three
She said (x8)
She said .. good!


I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles, in a daze
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I'm so lonely, but that's okay, I shaved my head ...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard ...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there ...
But I don't care
I'm so horny, but that's okay ...
My will is good

Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack
I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends ...
They're in my head
I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We've broken our mirrors
Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze ...
'Cause I've found god
Hey, hey hey (x6)
I like it - I'm not gonna crack
I miss you - I'm not gonna crack
I love you - I'm not gonna crack
I killed you - I'm not gonna crack

Note: On the handwritten lyrics that Kurt Cobain wrote, he marked
the chorus as "Hey" and not "Yeah". That's what's also been reflected here,
even though most would argue that the word "Yeah" is present in the song.


Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like some food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't cut yourself
I want some help
To please myself

Territorial Pissings

"Come on people now, smile on your brother and
everybody get together, try to love one another right now"
When I was an alien, cultures weren't opinions
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait
Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait
"Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you"
Gotta find a way, to find a way, when I'm here
Gotta find a way - a better way - I had better wait

Drain You

One baby to another says -
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
With eyes so dialated,
I've become your pupil
You've taught me everything
Without a poison apple
The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student
Indebted and so grateful -
Vacuum out the fluids
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
I like you
You (x5)
One baby to another says –
I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you
A travel through a tube
And end up in your infection
Chew your meat for you
Pass it back and forth
In a passionate kiss
From my mouth to yours
Sloppy lips to lips
You're my vitamins
I'm like you

Lounge Act

Truth - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
I'd like to, but it couldn't work
Trading off and taking turns
I don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to prove I still
I still smell her on you
Don't - tell me what I wanna hear
Afraid of never knowing fear
Experience anything you need
I'll keep fighting jealousy
Until it's fucking gone
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to prove I still
I still smell her on you
Truth! - covered in security
I can't let you smother me
I'd like to but it couldn't work
Trading off and taking turns
I don't regret a thing
And I've got this friend, you see
Who makes me feel and I
Wanted more than I could steal
I'll arrest myself, I'll wear a shield
I'll go out of my way to make you a deal
We've made a pact to learn from who
Ever we want without new rules
We'll share what's lost and what we grew
They'll go out of their way
To prove they still

Still smell her on you (x3)

Stay Away

Monkey see, monkey do
I don't know why I'd - rather be dead than cool
I don't know why - every line ends in rhyme
I don't know why - less is more, love is blind
I don't know why

Stay away (x3)
Give an inch, take a smile
I don't know why - fashion shits, fashion style
I don't know why - throw it out and keep it in
I don't know why - have to have poison skin
I don't know why
Stay away (x3)
I don't why (x2)
Stay away (x3)
Monkey see, monkey do
I don't know why I'd - rather be dead than cool
I don't know why - every line ends in rhyme
I don't know why - less is more, love is blind
I don't know why
Stay away (x3)
I don't know why (x2)
Stay away (x3)
Stay away (x5)
God is gay!

On A Plain

I'll start this off without any words
I got so high that I scratched 'til I bled
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The finest day that I ever had
Was when I learned to cry on command
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
My mother died every night
It's safe to say, don't quote me on that
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
The black sheep got blackmailed again
Forgot to put on the zip code
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain
I'm on a plain
Somewhere I have heard this before
In a dream my memory has stored
As a defense I'm neutered and spayed
What the hell am I trying to say?
It is now time to make it unclear
To write off lines that don't make sense
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
And one more special message to go
And then I'm done, then I can go home
I love myself better than you
I know it's wrong so what should I do?
I'm on a plain
I can't complain

Something In The Way

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm
Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they dont't have any feelings
Something in the way, mmm
Something in the way, yeah, mmm

Endless, Nameless

Here I am
Here I am
Bright and clear
It's what I am
I have
Mother (x4)
With violence
Right here
Go to hell
Here I am
Right here
No mas (x4)
Is what I am
Go to hell
Go to jail
In back of that
Here I am
Take a chance

Other interpretations possible.

Serve the servants
Scentless Apprentice
Heart-Shaped Box
Rape me
Frances farmer will have her revenge on ...
Very Ape
Milk it
Pennyroyal Tea
Radio friendly unit shifter
All Apologies
Gallons of rubbing alcohol flow through ...

Serve the Servants

Teenage angst has paid off well
Now I'm bored and old
Self-appointed judges judge
More than they have sold
If she floats than she is not
A witch like we had thought
A down payment on another
One at salem's lot
Serve the servants - Oh no (x4)
That legendary divorce is such a bore
As my bones grew they did hurt
They hurt really bad
I tried hard to have a father
But instead I had a dad
I just want you to know that I
Don't hate you anymore
There is nothing I could say
That I haven't thought before
Serve the servants - Oh no (x4)
That legendary divorce is such a bore
Serve the servants - Oh no (x7)
That legendary divorce is such a bore

Scentless Apprentice

Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice
Go away - get away, get a-way
Every wet nurse refused to feed him
Electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
There are countless formulas for pressing flowers
Go away - get away, get a-way
I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit!
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit
Go away - get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get a-way

Heart-Shaped Box

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait! (Alt: Hate! Haight!)
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left back
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back (Alt: ... when you turn black)
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice (x3)

Rape Me

Rape me
Rape me my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one (x4)
Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me my friend
I'm not the only one (x4)
My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You'll always stink and burn
Rape me
Rape me my friend
Rape me
Rape me again
I'm not the only one (x4)
Rape me! (x9)

Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle

It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing
To hear that you're asking wherever you get your way
It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)
In her false witness, we hope you're still with us,
To see if they float or drown
Our favorite patient, a display of patience,
Disease-covered Puget Sound
She'll come back as fire, to burn all the liars,
And leave a blanket of ash on the ground
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)
It's so relieving
To know that you're leaving as soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing
To know that you're asking wherever you get your way
It's so soothing
To know that you'll sue me, this is starting to sound the same
I miss the comfort in being sad (x3)


I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
The day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Or maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)
My heart is broke
But I have some glue
Help me inhale
And mend it with you
We'll float around
And hang out on clouds
Then we'll come down
And have a hangover
Have a hangover (x3)
Skin the sun
Fall asleep
Wish away
The soul is cheap
Lesson learned
Wish me luck
Soothe the burn
Wake me up
I'm not like them
But I can pretend
The sun is gone
But I have a light
My day is done
But I'm having fun
I think I'm dumb
Maybe just happy
Think I'm just happy (x3)
I think I'm dumb (x12)

Very Ape

I am buried up to my neck in
Contradictionary flies
I take pride as the king of illiterature
I'm very ape and very nice
If you ever need anything please don't
Hesitate to ask someone else first
I'm too busy acting like I'm not naive
I've seen it all, I was here first
Out of the ground
Into the sky
Out of the sky
Into the dirt
If you ever need anything please don't
Hesitate to ask someone else first
I'm too busy acting like I'm not naive
I've seen it all, I was here first
Out of the ground
Into the sky
Out of the sky
Into the dirt
Milk It

I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins
Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
I own my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit it is her milk
Test meat!
Doll steak!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping

Doll steak!
Test meat!
Look on the bright side is suicide
Lost eyesight I'm on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and/or sleeping
Protector of the kennel
Ecto-plasma, Ecto-skeletal
Obituary every birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery!

Pennyroyal Tea

I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally
I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

Radio Friendly Unit Shifter

- Hmmmmmm ... I just wanna know ... do you like me?

{ This is whispered in the beginning }

Use just once and destroy
Invasion of our piracy
Afterbirth of a nation
Starve without your skeleton key
I love you for what I am not
I do not want what I have got
A blanket acne'ed with ciggarette burns
Speak at once while taking turns

What is wrong with me (x3)
I'm gonna do with what you think
If you ever think at all
Bi-polar opposites attract
All of a sudden my water broke
I love you for what I am not
I do not want what I have got
A blanket acne'ed with ciggarette burns
Second-rate third degree burns
What is wrong with me (x2)
What do I think of me ?
Hate, hate your enemies
Save, save your friends
Find, find your place
Speak, speak the truth
What is wrong with me (x3)
What do I think of me ?
Use just once and destroy
Invasion of our piracy
Afterbirth of a nation
Starve without your skeleton key
What is wrong with me (x3)
What do I think of me ?


- Moderate Rock!

Mayday every day, in my heart.
Could've had a heart attack, in my heart.
We don't know anything, in my heart.
We all want something fair, in my heart.
Heyyyyyyy! (x3)
Out of town, out of sight, is my heart.
Queen of lies, everyday, in my heart.
My heart, one more on the phone, my heart.
One more at the phone, at my heart
Heyyyyyyyyyyy! (x2)
Mean heart, cold heart, cold heart, cold heart
Cold heart, cold heart, cold heart, cold heart!

Other interpretations possible.

All Apologies

What else should I be
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
I'm married
I wish I was like you
Easily amused
Find my nest of salt
Everything is my fault
I'll take all the blame
Aqua seafoam shame
Sunburn with freezeburn
Choking on the ashes of her enemy
In the sun
In the sun I feel as one
In the sun
In the sun
Married, Maried, Maried!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
All in all is all we are (x20)

Gallons Of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through The Strip

It hurts when you have to press that dull little thing
That you're only supposed to use once and then discard
Where do you put it? In the garbage can, my honest friend
My shyness, pet her flow
She's only been five months late, even though we haven't had sex for a week

A meal a day, a meal, I say
And my heart's made my ...
Somebody else already used the word 'aurora-borealis'
She was tied up in chains, and Sam had helped her in the freezer
She's only five weeks late, but I haven't had a date forever ...
Ever ... ever ... forever!
Wish I had more ... more opportunity,
More chances to remember some things
So I couldn't have so much pressure on my ...
On my ... on my, um ... ah, on my ... um ... um ... head
We'd have so much more diversity,
And so much more input, so much more creative flow,
If we had someone in school, a 'GIT' ...
GIT ... geeks ... in ... town.

Ha! ... Come on, Dave, think of one ... !
Girls with trouble
It should be GIC, geeks with charvels
No, GWC, fuck man this is a waste of time ...
One more solo? Yeahhhhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhhhh!
You're personally responsible for ...
The entire strip ... to be washed away ...
Cleansed ... as if gallons of, um, rubbing alcohol
Flowed through the strip and were set on fire.
It didn't just singe the hair, it made it straight.
And then Perry Ellis came along with his broom,
And his ... silk ...
And he ... he erected a beautiful city ...
A city of stars.
Other interpretations possible. Thanks to Daniel for corrections.

Been a son
Molly's Lips
Son of a gun
(New Wave) Polly
Mexican Seafood
Hairspray Queen
Aero Zeppelin
Big Long Now



Pick me - pick me yeah
Live alone, lone single
At least, at least yeah
Everyone is hollow
Pick me - pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Pick me - pick me yeah
You can even pay them
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x3)
Kiss this, kiss that yeah
Live alone, lone single
At least, at least yeah
You can be my hero
Pick me - pick me yeah
Everyone is waiting
Hit me, hit me yeah
I'm real good at hating
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x3)
Dive (x3)
Dive in me
Dive in me (x6)

Corrected in accordance with the Kurt Cobain 'Journals' book.


Mom and dad went to a show
They dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's
I kicked and screamed, said please, don't go
Grandma take me home (x8)
Had to eat my dinner there
Mashed potatos and stuff like that
I couldn't chew my meat too good
Grandma take me home (x8)
She said, well, don't you start your crying

Go outside and ride your bike
That's what I did, I killed my toad
Never take me home (x8)
After dinner, I had ice cream
I fell asleep and watched TV
I woke up in my mother's arms
Never take me home (x19)
I wanna be alone


Well he never bleeds and he never fucks
And he never leaves 'cause he's got bad luck.
Well he never reads and he never draws.
And he never sleeps 'cause he's got bad luck, yeah
I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain, I'm a stain

Been A Son

She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stood out in the crowd
She should have made her mother proud
She should have fallen on her stance
She should have had another chance
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have stayed away from friends
She should have had more time to spend
She should have died when she was born
She should have worn the crown of thorns
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son
She should have - been a son


Take a step outside yourself
And you turn around
Take a look at who you are
It's pretty scary
So silly
It's Revolting
You're not much
You can't do anything
Take a step outside the city
And you turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is revolting
You're really nowhere
So wasteful
So foolish
Who said don't look back?
Don't believe 'em
Go for that crazy sounding restaurant
'Cause they're gonna try and get behind you
Don't you let them do it
You know what I'm talking about?
You hear me talking?
You hear me talking!?
It's pretty scary, it's so revolting (x4)
Naaaah !
Take a step outside the country
And you turn around
Take a look at what you are
It is amazing
Take a good look
You're no big deal
You're so petty
It's a laugh
Take a step outside the planet
Turn around and around
Take a look at where you are
It's pretty scary

Originally by Devo

Molly's Lips

She said
She'd take me anywhere
She'd take me anywhere
As long as she stays with me
She said
She'd take me anywhere
She'd take me anywhere
As long as I stayed clean
Kiss kiss Molly's lips (x4 and x8 in the end)

Originally by The Vaselines

Son of A Gun

Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away
Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away
Up up up and down
Turn turn turnaround
Round round roundabout
And over again
Gun gun son of a gun
You are the only one
Makes any difference what I say
The sun shines in the bedroom
When we play
The raining always starts
When you go away

Originally by The Vaselines

(New Wave) Polly

Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off of her first
Maybe she wants some water
To put out the blow torch
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To help myself
Polly wants a cracker
Maybe she would like more food
She asks me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself (Alt: To help myself)
Polly said
Polly says her back hurts
And she's just as bored as me
She caught me off my guard
It amazes me, the will of instinct
It isn't me
We have some seed
Let me clip
Your dirty wings
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself
I've got some rope
You have been told
I promise you
I have been true
Let me take a ride
Don't hurt yourself
I want some help
To please myself (Alt: To help myself)


Why doesn't she need him for a father?
Not only maidens can occupy my shack
Goring my manhood turns a man off
Like Pepe LePew would say,
Hey, hey, hey! -- and then we clash!
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly

She laughs about it
Shrinking inflections if the wind blows just right
Jacking themselves off polyester
I wanna jump, this isn't right!
Hey, when am I getting it back?
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly
I don't know why,
I've got a joke too silly to say
Don't touch the balls
I got a dick, Dick -- hear my fucking hate!
I got my diddly spayed (x3)
I got my diddly
If you're wondering, it's gaining monthly
Fiberglass insulated, the sky is cotton candy
Spawning downstream, El Rancho Ovulate
Feeling can't help me romp
Bill just fuck me, take me anal
Billy's slit reminds me of someone
I'm sick of paying for the love boat
Tony and Tenille say wanna jump rope
And I say look!
I got my penis spayed,
I got a little tail,
I got my dingaling spayed
I got my dingaling spayed
I gotta be around pussy
Don't let me fall
I got a heh-heh ... well you can't live
We got my dingaling spayed (x6)
I got my dingaling spayed (x5)
I got my diddly

Other interpretations possible.


Portray sincerity
Act out of loyalty
Defend every country
Wish away the pain
Hand out lobotomies
To save little families
Surrealistic fantasy
Bland, boring pain!

Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing
Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words as you go along, I sing then some
Sickening pessimist hypocrite master
Conservative Communist apocalyptic bastard
Thank you dear God for putting me on this Earth
I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst!
Hold me down in restitution
Living out your date with fusion
Is the whole fleece shun in master?
Don't feel guilty, master writing
Somebody said that they're not much like I am, I know I can
Make enough of the words as you go along, I sing then some

Mexican Seafood

All the itchy flakes, it is a flaming
All the gels and cremes it is pertaining
To a fungus mold cured by injection
Hope it's only ah, a yeast infection
Oh well, it burns when I - it hurts when I pee
Oh well, it hurts when I - it hurts when I see
Now I vomit cum and diarrhoea
On the tile floor like oatmeal pizza
Fill my toilet bowl full of a cloudy
Puss, I feel the blood becoming chowder rust
Oh well, it burns when I - it hurts when I pee
Oh well, it hurts when I - it hurts when I see
Roll into my bed which does consist of
Lice, bugs and fleas and yellow mucus
Stained dirt, vaseline, toe jam and booger
Stomach acid worms that dance in sugared sludge

Mmmmm ...

Corrected in accordance with the Kurt Cobain 'Journals' book.
Click here for an alternate interpretation.

Hairspray Queen
I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your en ... aaahh

You rang
Your ears rang
I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your ena ... aaahh
At night, the wishful goddess
At night, she'll wish the hardest
At night, the disco goddess
At night, the witch go gaaahhh!
I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your ena ...
Wishful goddess, at night
Wish the hardest, at night
Wishful goddess, at night
Wishful gaaahhh!
I was your mind, you were my, my enemy,
You were mine, I was your, your enemy,
You would mind, I was your, your enemy,
You were mine, I was was your ena!
At night, the wishful goddess
At night, she'll wish the hardest
At night, the disco goddess
At night, the itch so modest
At night, the crisco lochness
At night, a mouthful omelette
At sight, the fish full goblets
At night, the witch go gaaawd !!

Corrected in accordance with the Kurt Cobain 'Journals' book.

Aero Zeppelin

What's a season in a right if you can't have anything
What's the reason in a rhyme if a plan means anything
What's the meaning in a crime, it's a fan if anything
Where's the learning in a line, it's a brand, it's a brand
How a culture comes again, it was all here yesterday
And you swear it's not a trend, doesn't matter anyway
There's only here to talk to friends, nothing new is everyday
You could shit upon the stage, they'll be fans

They'll be fans (alt: If you brand) (x3)

All the kids will eat it up, if it's packaged properly
Steal a sound and imitate, keep a format equally
Not an ode, just the facts, where our world is nowadays
An idea is what we lack, it doesn't matter anyways

Hey ... (x7)

Corrected in accordance with the Kurt Cobain 'Journals' book.

Big Long Now

It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?
I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?
Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave?
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Waiting in line
It's not cold enough
Please put this side up
She is moving through
Can we show our faces now?
I'm not interesting
She's not turning green
Shameful as it seems
Can we show our faces now?
Endless climb
I am blind
Why can't I leave?
Color blind
Speaking a phrase
Instantly grown
I am blind
Why am I sure?


Come on over and do the twist
Over-do it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and do the twist
Beat me outta me - Beat it! beat it! (x7)
Beat me outta me
Come on over and do the twist
Over-do it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and shoot the shit
Beat me outta me - Beat it! beat it! (x7)
Beat me outta me
She keeps it pumpin' straight to my heart (x8)
About a girl
Come as you are
Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam
The man who sold the world
Pennyroyal Tea
On a plain
Something in the way
Oh me
Lake of fire
All apologies
Where did you sleep last night

Jesus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam

Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee
Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee
Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam
Sunbeams are never made like me (Alt: Sunbeams are laughing at me)
Don't expect me to cry,
For all the reasons you had to die
Don't ever ask your love of me
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die
Don't expect me to cry
Don't expect me to lie
Don't expect me to die for thee

Originally by The Vaselines. Correct title should be "Jesus Don't
Want Me For a Sunbeam". An incorrect title, using "Doesn't", is printed
on the MTV Unplugged CD and covers. Though, I think the Vaselines used
the title "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" ... !

The Man Who Sold The World

We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as a surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World
I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land (Alt: I searched for foreign land)
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazely stare
At all the millions here (Alt 1: We walked a million years)
(Alt 2: With multimillionaires)

(Alt 3: We walked a million hills)
I must have died alone (Alt: I must have died along)
A long, long time ago
Who knows?
Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the Man who Sold the World

Originally by David Bowie


Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau
Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills and shake the many hands
The nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words
When you've finished with the mop then you can stop
And look at what you've done
The plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work it was fun
There's nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
You see a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you got words
Well the many hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some said it was in Greenland and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
But those were all just guesses, wouldn't help you if they could

Originally by the Meat Puppets

Oh, Me

If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
And that's old news
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth?
I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
Stored deep inside me
If I had to lose a mile
If I had to touch feelings
I would lose my soul
The way I do
I don't have to think
I only have to do it
The results are always perfect
And that's old news
Would you like to hear my voice
Sprinkled with emotion
Invented at your birth?
I can't see the end of me
My whole expanse I cannot see
I formulate infinity
Stored deep inside me

Originally by the Meat Puppets

Lake Of Fire

Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July
I knew a lady who came from Duluth
She got bit by a dog with a rabid tooth
She went to her grave just a little too soon
And she flew away howling on the yellow moon
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July
Now the people cry and the people moan
And they look for a dry place to call their home
And try to find some place to rest their bones
While the angels and the devils try to make them their own
Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again 'till the fourth of July

Originally by the Meat Puppets

Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
Her husband, was a hard working man
Just about a mile from here
His head was found in a driving wheel
But his body never was found
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, don't lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through
My girl, my girl, where will you go
I'm going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through

Originally by Leadbelly. Written by Huddie Ledbetter.
Drain You
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Been A Son
Spank Thru
Scentless Apprentice
Heart-Shaped Box
Milk It
Negative Creep


Kurt Screaming ...
From the 12/03/89 London, UK show.
CD 1:
White Lace and Strange
Help Me I'm Hungry
Mrs. Butterworth
If You Must
Pen Cap Chew
Floyd The Barber

Raunchola / Moby Dick
Don't Want It All
Clean Up Before She Comes
Polly (solo)
About a Girl
They Hung Him On a Cross
Grey Goose
Ain't It A Shame
Token Eastern Song
Even In His Youth

CD 2:
Been A Son
Where Did You Sleep Last Night
Pay To Play
Here She Comes Now
Drain You
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Verse Chorus Verse
Old Age
Endless, Nameless
Oh, The Guilt
Return of the Rat
Smells Like Teen Spirit

CD 3:
Rape Me (boombox)
Rape Me (studio)
Scentless Apprentice
Heart-Shaped Box
I Hate Myself And I Want To Die
Milk It

Moist VaginaGallons Of Running Alcohol Flow Through The Strip
The Other Improv
Serve The Servants
Very Ape
Pennyroyal Tea
Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam
Do Re Mi
You Know You're Right
All Apologies


"I don't know how to play it"
Hey fellas have you heard the news,
You know that Annie's back in town
It won’t take long just watch and see
How the fellas lay their money down
Her style is new but the face is the same
As it was so long ago
But her eyes..
"Do a solo"
"Solo, solo!"


Look your legs are ashes
Charred into a special
Don't make noise, you break
Your legs are eyes and all
You're right
I was your incompetent
Man just read the furies
Special time but you can't
Make too much of him
Ahhhh (x2)
Ohhhh (x2)
I was yours and closer
Your were them in New York
Got me in, to enter
See your legs are in your legs
I was your end dancer
More than all I wish you
Got me under with the
Nice, nice, nice religious man
Ahhhh (x2)
Ohhhh (x2)

Courtesy of Nirvana-Music.
White Lace and Strange

That is the way you want it
You wanted it to be the way you like it
I'm no lover
We wanted you to see it the way you wanted
It's all right
I could be crazy
But I could be human
I never wanted to open your eyes
I could be crazy
but I could be human
I never wanted to open your eyes
I'm no lover
You wanted to be living up in the air, yeah
I'm no lover
But please let go of the human
That's me
I could be crazy
But I could be human
I never wanted to open your eyes
I could be crazy
but I could be human
I never wanted to open your eyes

Other interpretations possible.

Help Me I'm Hungry

"That's it!"
Until my tensions feed me (Alt: There's too much tensions)
I'm fucking hungry
Grade me
I want my gun back
Light the fucking résumé (Alt: With me)
Experience potentials
Experience the process
People freaking every day
White lights hidden inside
Hold me, I'm so pathetic
And study, all the sudden
Baby, suddenly find her
Daddy, exploring only
Light the fucking résumé (Alt: With me)
Experience potentials
Experience the process
People freaking every day
White lights hidden inside
Hold me, some potentials (Alt: so pathetic)
Grade me, somebody help me
Feed me, I'm fucking hungry
Sooth me, I want my complex back
Naked man licked off the scabs and
Fed them, to the pigeons
Help him, he's cornered
Kill him, you mercy whore will
Light the fucking résumé (Alt: With me)
Experience potentials
Experience the process
People freaking every day
White lights hidden inside
Help me, fucking hoses (Alt: Horses)
Help me, until my tensions
Graise me, I'm really hungry
To gravy, I want my complex back
"Thank you and goodnight"

Mrs. Butterworth

Your life is shit (shit)
Your life is bogus (bull)
Your life is crime (crime)
Your life is hell (hell)
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna die, with my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna die, don't fuck with me
Your life is shit (shit)
Your life is clean (it is clean)
Your life is lame, it's not so funny
Your life is stale (frail, frail!)
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna hell on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna hell on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna hell on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna die, watch the pain!
Your life is shit.
"I'm gonna open up myself a flea market
I'm gonna open up myself a flea market
And you're gonna wish that you did
And retire on the profits
First off,
I'm gonna empty out all of my Mrs. Butterworth jars
And I'm gonna put 'em on a shelf with my 800 dollar a month tax free Century 21
And then I am going to put my Mrs. Butterworth syrup jars on the shelf
Next to all the commemorative fast food chain glasses and cups I've accumulated
over the past 62 years
Then I'm going to get some plywood
I'm going to get some plywood and cut them up into two by two feet squares
Then I'm going to get some burlap and I'm going to cut them into
two by two feet squares, and then I'm going to put them onto the
pieces of plywood
And then I'm going to go to the beach
I'm going to go to the beach and I'm gonna collect some
shells and driftwood
And then I'm going to take the shells and driftwood and glue them
onto the plywood and burlap
And sell 'em for lots of money
People will be paying top dollar for my kids new used new
toys and clothing
Then maybe someday I can get rid of that
pissed-stained matress I've been sleeping on"
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna hell on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)

I'm gonna die on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna die on my libido
I'm gonna die, start a new union (Alt: but not before you do)
I'm gonna die watch the pain

If You Must

I can read, I can write
I can breed, proven plight
Nurse my greed, crease infold
Is it me, or my ego ...
Write some words, make them rhyme
Thesis or story line
Set the mood, something new
Is it me, or my attitude ...
If you want
to put off
an image
The extremes (x2)
Act it out
Onto me (x3)
I will wade in the fire
To explain your asylum
Idle times, analyzing
We'll compare all our sightings
You must
I speak
to hear
my voice
I can read, I can write
I can breed, proven plight
Nurse my greed, crease infold
Is it me, or my ego ...
Write some words, make them rhyme
Thesis or story line
Set the mood, something new
Is it me, or my attitude ...
If you want
to put off
an image
The extremes (x2)
Act it out

Onto me (x7)

Pen Cap Chew

Oh, lesser God (x4)
Oh, your lonely (x3)
Oh (x2)

You get, you get, you get, you get to me
Holy is the time, it's such an easy way to go
You get, you get, you get, you get to me
Hide the circle in the skin under a fingernail
Oh, lesser God
Oh, your lonely
Waste your time by saving worthless gullibles
Kill a politician and then wear his clothes
This decade is the age of rehashing
Protest and then go to jail for trespassing
Throw me inside
Oh (x3)

Raunchola / Moby Dick

This is a hard, cold beat
You can go dance if you'd like
You won't get in trouble
And the tea has some spice
You wanna know it hits ya
You can make, have some fun
Watching them make you away
Up on the wall you won't
Ahhhhh ...
What's in the wait, your waiter
We only ate your garnish
I ordered spam and rice

In this to say you're fired
We dance on the table tops
We only had your daughter
We ordered too many cocktails
What's in the way you love



"I don't like you
And I'm gonna beat you up
No! No! No! No!
No John!
I'm telling my mom!
Ahh beating.."

Beans, beans, beans
Jessie ate some beans
He was happy, happy, happy
That he ate some beans
Sitting naked, naked
Sitting cross-legged
Naked, naked, naked
And he was happy, happy, happy
That he ate some beans
Wine, wine, wine
Jessie had some wine
He was happy, happy, happy
That he ate some ... wine
Beans, beans, beans
Jessie ate some beans
And he drank some wine
And he was happy, happy, happy
That he drank some beans ...

Don't Want It All

To hope is admittance
Feed before beginning
Double-sided cynics
Reflected image
Don't be so selfish
Leave in me this
Follow it far
To find where you are
You haven't grown
Go on alone
Never finished his sentence
Remained in seclusion
For the next few days
The family circle noose
He had removed us
All the styles of heresy
Finally he appeared unexpectedly
Looking for company

Clean Up Before She Comes

Clean up before she comes (x4)
Living in a dusty town (x2)
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
I must be getting old
I must be getting, getting older
I'm starting to eat my vegetables
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
Clean up the dusty town
Living in a dusty town (x4)
Clean up before she comes (x4)
Living in a dusty town.
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
Something in her eyes
Must be the smoke from my lungs
I must be getting old
I must be getting, getting older
I'm starting to eat my vegetables


Oooooooh ...
You're my favorite,
Of my saviours
You're my favorite,
Who knows (Alt: Oh, no)
You're my favorite,
Of my favors
You're my razor,
Oh no (Alt: Who knows)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (Alt: Come)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (x4) (Alt: Come)
You're my favorite,
Of my saviours
You're my favorite,
Who knows (Alt: Oh, no)
You're my favorite,
Of my favors
You're my razor,
Oh no (Alt: Who knows)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (Alt: Come)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (x4) (Alt: Come)
Ah ... Ahhh!
You're my favorite,
Of my saviours
You're my favorite,
Who knows (Alt: Oh, no)
Yes you're my favorite,
Of my favors
You're my razor,
Oh no (Alt: Who knows)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (Alt: Come)
And the situation wasn't quite
As intense as I thought
I need you around,
To remind me what not to become
Calm (x4) (Alt: Come)

They Hung Him On a Cross

They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross for me
One day when I was lost
They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross for me
They whooped him up the hill
They whooped him up the hill
They whooped him up the hill for me
One day when I was lost
They hung him on a cross
They whooped him up the hill for me
He never said a mumblin word (Alt: He never sat among them worked)
He never said a mumblin word (Alt: He never sat among them worked)
He never said a mumblin word for me (Alt: He never sat among them worked for me)
One day when I was lost
They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross for me
They bit him in the side
They bit him in the side
They bit him in the side for me
One day when I was lost
They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross for me
He hung his head and died
He hung his head and died
He hung his head and died for me
One day when I was lost
They hung him on a cross
They hung him on a cross for me

Courtesy of Marcel.

Grey Goose


Ain't It A Shame

Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
When you got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
or Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Ain't it a shame

Ain't it a shame to have a drink on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to have a drink on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to have a drink on a Sunday
When you got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
or Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to beat your wife on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to beat your wife on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to beat your wife on a Sunday
When you got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Or Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Ain't it a shame
Ahhh! (x3)
Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame to go fishing on a Sunday
When you got Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Or Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Ain't it a shame
Ain't it a shame (x5)
Shame (x3)

Courtesy of Marcel.

Token Eastern Song

Token Eastern Song

I'm not gonna make it through
Something else, something new
I'm not gonna make you dream
Something sad, something mean
I'm not gonna make you through
Something else, something new
I'm not gonna make it through
Something else, something new
Hold it in your gut (x8)

I'm not gonna make it croon
Someday sad, someday blue
I'm not gonna make you scream
Someday sad, someday mean
I'm not gonna make it through
Something else, something new
I'm not gonna make you dream
In this hour, something mean
Hold it in your gut (x8)
Hold it in your gut (x8)
Gut! (x14)

Courtesy of Marcel.

Even In His Youth

Even in his youth (x3)
He was nothing
Kept his body clean (x3)
He was nowhere
Killed the family name
Daddy was ashamed (x2)
He was nothing
Even in his youth (x3)
He was nowhere
The thief is born before you're through
Must be more than you could chew
I've got nothing left to do
If you wait, you wanted you
Oh, ah, yeah!
Even in his youth (x3)
He was nothing
Kept his body clean (x3)
He was nowhere
Daddy was ashamed (x3)
He was nothing
Killed the family name (x3)
He was nowhere
The thief is born before you're through
Must be more than you could chew
I've got nothing left to do
If you know you wanted you
Oh, ah, yeah!
I've got more of you through
This much more than you could do
If you leave before you need
I've got nothing left to see
Oh, ah, yeah!
Even in his youth (x3)
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah
Even in his youth
Yeah, yeah (x4)


"Oh, this song is called Opinion"
Congratulations, you have won
It's a year subscription of bad puns
And it makes your story of concern
And you set it up before it burns
My opinions, mmm (x4)
And it seems to be a problem here
And the steer of emotion seems to clear
Now they rise and fall like wall street stock
And they have an effect on our peace talk
Our opinions, mmm
My opinions, mmm (x3)
Congratulations, you have won
It's a year subscription of bad puns
And it makes your story of concern
And you set it up before it burns
Your opinions, mhm (x4)
Your opinions

Pay To Play

Monkey see, monkey do - I don't know why I
Walk around, follow you - I don't know why I
Throw it out, keep it in - I don't know why I
Have to have poison skin - I don't know why I
Pay to play (x3)
Walk an inch, take a mile - I don't know why I
Never fade, never smiled - I don't know why I
Never mind, eat and run - I don't know why I
Fuck your ass, for the fun - I don't know why I

Pay to play (x3)
I don't know why I (x2)
Pay to play (x3)
Monkey see, monkey do - I don't know why I
Walk around, follow you - I don't know why I
Throw it out, keep it in - I don't know why I
Have to have poison skin - I don't know why I
Pay to play (x3)
I don't know why (x2)
Pay to play (x3)
Pay to play (x8)

Here She Comes Now

If she ever comes down now (x2)
If she comes down
If she ever comes down now (x2)
If she comes down
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
She says ohh
If she ever comes down now (x2)
If she comes down now
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
She says ohh
If she ever comes down now (x2)
If she comes down now
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
She says son
If she ever comes down now (x2)
If she comes down now
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
She looks so good
She's made out of wood
Say ...
If she ever comes now
Now (x2)
If she ever comes now, now
Ever, ever, ever comes now
Now, now
Ever comes now (x3)
Now, now, now
Now (x3)

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Come out and play
Make up the rules
I know, I hope
The tide is blue
Though some are dead
I'll walk from you
I know, I'll light
The way to go
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
I'm a liar and I'm famous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, segregate us
A libido, an albino
A mulatto, a mosquito

Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and we're famous
Hey (x4)
Come out and play
Make up the rules
I know, I hope
To find the truth
We're wide awake
And heavy feeling
We'll go outside
And pray for me
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
I'm a liar and I'm famous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
An albino, a mulatto
A libido, a mosquito
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and famous
Hey (x4)
Come out and play
Take off your clothes
Make up the rules
I'll see you in court
And I will not embrace you
I'm now a lie, the same as you
Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3)
Hello, hello, hello!
I'm lazy and famous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and we're famous
Here we are now, entertain us
A libido, an albino
A mosquito, a vagina
Here we are now, entertain us
We feel stupid, and famous
A denial! (x12)

Verse Chorus Verse

Neither side is sacred, no one wants to win
Feeling so sedated, think I'll just give in
Taking medication 'till my stomach's full
Either side is sacred, growing in my home (Alt: Crawling in my hole)
Grass is greener, over here
You're the fog that keeps me clear
Reinventing, what would you do?
Take your time and I'll be true
You're the reason I feel pain
Feels so good to feel again
Neither side is sacred, no one wants to win
Feeling so sedated, but I can't give in
Even medication, 'till my stomach's full
Feeling so sedated, when I'm in my home
Grass is greener, over here
You're the fog that keeps me clear
Reinventing, what would you do?
Take your time and I'll be true
You're the reason I feel pain
Feels so good to feel again
Oh (x4)
Neither side is sacred, no one wants to win
Feeling so sedated, think I'll just give in
Taking medication 'till my stomach's full
Feeling so sedated, when I'm in my home
Grass is greener, over here
You're the fog that keeps me clear
Reinventing, what would you do?
Learn from history, and I'll be true
You're the reason I feel pain
Feels so good to feel again
Oh ...

Old Age

"We're rollin..."
One more day to complete my service
One more high to decay my nervous
Wondering how I'm gonna find a way
It's over
One more day to complete my service
One more time here to fade my servant
Wondering how I'm gonna find a way

She seen through me and mine
And I know a later time
We could make it with you
We're the same
Old age (x4)
One more day to complain, my servant
One more doubt here to find a servant
Wondering how I'm gonna find
It's over
Wondering how I'm here date my cover
One more doubt here to save my never
Wondering how I'm gonna find a way
It's over
She seemed true, me and mine
And I know a later time
We and we're you to you
Leave the soul
Old age (x4)
Just you need and read you free
And knew
You read
You flew
One more day to complete my circuit
One more high here to find my nervous
Someday I'm gonna find a way
It's over
One more doubt here to claim my supper
I can have anything you wanted
Wondering how I'm gonna find a way
It's over
He seemed to read minds
And I know we're out of time
Breathe away here with you
Dream the same on the dew
Breathe the same on her
Breathe to moan on a man
Breathe and shame on you
He's late
Old age (x7)
"... or we could fade out"

Courtesy of Nirvana-Music. Other interpretations possible.

Straight as an arrow
Defect, defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject, reject
Towards anti-social
Solo, solo
Standing along the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Ghostly image of fear
Mayday, mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven ...
Straight as an arrow
Defect, defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject, reject
Towards anti-social
Solo, solo (Alt: So dumb, so dumb)
Standing on the stairs
Cold, cold morning
Ghostly image of fear
Mayday, mayday
Gonna leave this region
They'll take me with them
Dimension seven ...
Straight as an arrow
Defect, defect
Not straight, not so straight
Reject, reject
Towards anti-social
So dumb, so dumb (Alt: Soldier, soldier)
Dimension seven (x7)

Oh, The Guilt

She seems to think
She seems too weak
She takes a week to get over it
She likes the sea
She likes to see
She likes to think she has to alter it
She likes the sand
She likes the sand
She likes to stand, she can't afford to sit
She likes to be (x3)
She's into guilt
Guilt! (x3)
She likes to think
She likes to think
She seems too weak, she takes all the rent
She likes the time
She owns the time
She borrows time and has to self-invent
She seems too weak
She likes to see
She likes to think she has to alter it
She likes the sand
She likes to stand
She likes to sit
She likes to go
Go! (x3)
She seems to think
She seems too weak
She takes a week to get over it
She likes the sea
She likes to see
She likes to think she has to alter it
She likes the sand
She likes the sand
She likes to stand, she can't afford to sit
She likes to be (x3)
She likes to go
Go! (x7)


I can handle
Arm the mentor
I love sad
Until I'm home
It's the season
I'm all reason
I have seeked
and I have ghosts
She's at the seams
She don't need (x3)
At the seams
And I'll seem
End the seam
She don't need
At the seams
I'm a letter
I'm a panda
I said something
In the guard
In the handle
On the mantle
I know Santa
I met God
She's the seam
She don't need (x2)
Cheat on me
She don't need
At the seams (x3)
She don't need
I'm a lady
Can you save me
It's the sulfur
I have drunk
Tis the season
I'm all reason
I have fleas
and run on home
She's the seam
She don't need (Alt: Cheat on me) (x5)
At the seams (x2)
Cheat on me

Return of the Rat

You better watch out
You better beware
They're coming from all sides of the country
You better beware
Return of the rat (x3)
Oh no, no, no, no
You better confess
Well, they better confess
Started this mess, and oh, I seen 'em do it
You better confess
Return of the rat (x3)
Oh no, no, no, no, no

Well, you better watch out
You better beware
They're coming from all sides of the country
You better beware
Return of the rat (x3)
Oh no, no, no, no, no


Rape Me (boombox)

Check, Check, Check, Check, Check ...
Rape me
Rape me again
Father just
Take me
Rape me again
Since my embarrassments gone
Free, I'm not a lonely one
See, miss me than to you
He, was a nasty guest
Rape me
Rape me again
Someone, disgrace me
Face me, and then
Weight of both of them
Has, grinded to the ground
We, owe them pay he's made
He's afraid, I'm not a self-endowed
Going to the source, inside
Intention with me
Rape me again, father knows
I'm my elite reforce
Hey, he was a nasty guest
Fall, I never was I said
Fool, falling to his this
Make me
Make me do it again
Save me
Save me young friend
Soon my own found recourse
Hey, I'm not a liar anymore
Save, I'm not a liar anymore (Alt: Alive anymore)
Hey, I'm not a concrete horse
Say, I'm not a modern man's choir (Alt: Wired)
Ohhhh, I'm not a smorgasbord
Hate me
You hate me again
You hate me again

Scentless Apprentice

"I wrote this song it goes ... it goes."

(Other voices)

I Hate Myself And I Want To Die

Even if you own a wife
Even if you like in my state
I could never want a bribe
I've been there no matter what that
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe, what's that sound?
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe ...
Even if you wanted light
I could never matter to play
Even if you want a life
Even if I like it, you're sad
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe, what's that sound?
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe, what's that sound?
Even if you own a wife
Even if you wanted one thing
I could never want a life
I could never only one day
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe, what's that sound?
In the someday, what's that sound?
In the sun bathe, what's that sound?

Moist Vagina

She has a moist vagina
She has a moist vagina
When am I so tired
When I want on my own shut-up
She has a moist vagina
When I'm more like the fight out
When I wanna (x5)
Vagina ...

The Other Improv

It's an odd alliance
It's another light I say
What alone tonight
Even if my eyes
Even have some time
Bet it all tonight
Listen I have been banging away
Even if you had a sight
It's mad enough tonight
And forests have never grown
It's another light
And I can never have mine
It's not mine (x2)
Instead I hide
I've been here for my friends
I never know if I said
Watching out for me
When I can love you
Have your way
And she might as well know I
Seem more high
Than ...
I said, minerals will make the world
If we did not have chemicals
You would not be writing my death certificate

Biting is my friend
My dog left me a sand send
One more day than I can plan
Ends safe from you
Biting ass a lie friend
When I will never have a friend

Biting silent as a man
His silence setting up around
And she improvised
And she was supervised
I was arised
Or arosed
Or a rose (x2)
Or aroused
And fine!
Fine line
When I
Said night time
When I
Could never kind
And I
My milk is your shit (x2)
It's hard and boiled
And sour all again
My milk is your shit (x8)
It revolves
It evolves
Cause it's biting out what would
My milk is your shit (x4)
My milk is your (x2)
My milk is your shit
My milk is piss
Don't you love that I can bite


He's there, in case I wandered off
He's scared, because I warned
He's scared, in case I want it all
He's scared, 'cause I want
All in all the clock is slow
Six color pictures, all in a row
Of a marigold
Do Re Mi

If I may
And if I might
Lie me down, weeping
If I say what it's like

I might be dreaming
If I may
What is right
Some make time to see me heal
His tears in his bonnet
The face from his pocket
The chains from a blown life from dreams
Do Re Mi (x4)
If I may
And if I might
Wake me up
See me
If I do and if I lie
Find me out
See me
If I may
Cold as ice
I might not see me heal
The rays in his socket
The face from this moment
The chains from the socket
I've been weak
Do Re Mi (x6)
Wish me good
And wish me night
Find me now
Their way
Just be quiet
Finally dreaming
Yellow whale
And if I sigh
Shake me out
If I may
If I might
Got a gun to bleed me
The rays in his pocket
The rays from this moment
The chains from his armor
Am I deep?
Do Re Mi (x8)


You Know You're Right

I will never walk it through
I could never promise you
If some things followed you
I will never wander through
Is it me you love again?
Guess I'll never have a fan
Isn't me the real me
I could never have a see
It's a never-ending dream
I will always wanna flee
If I'm real, have a go
Empathy I haven't known
Dream (x4)
Guess I never followed you
How come me libels you
I could never die again
I won't lose another friend
She wants to see another me
When I'm through I meditate
It's some we all medicate
Guess I'll fall and medicate
It's another opiate
But to me it's everything
Dream (x4)
I will never promise you
Dream (x2)

6. Sliver: The Best of the Box
Spank Thru
Mrs. Butterworth
Floyd The Barber
Clean Up Before She Comes
About A Girl
Ain't It A Shame

Smells Like Teen Spirit
Come As You Are
Old Age
Oh The Guilt
Rape Me
Rape Me
Heart-Shaped Box
Do Re Mi
You Know You're Right
All Apologies

Spank Thru

"Uhh" ... "one-two-three-four!"
And as the soft pretentious mountains
Glisten in the light of the trees
And all the flowers sing in D minor
And the birds fly happily
We'll be together once again my love
I need you back, oh baby baby
I can't explain just why we lost it from the start
Living without you girl, you'll only break my heart ...
I can feel it
I can hold it
I can bend it - I can shape it - I can mold it
I can cut it, I can taste it - I can spank it, I can beat it, mastur-bate it
I've been lookin for Day Glo
Always hearing the same ole'
Sticky boredom with a book
I can make it do things you wouldn't think it ever could
I can feel it
I can hold it
I can bend it - I can shape it - and I mold it
I can cut it, I can taste it - I can spank it, I can beat it, as I made it ... Aah!
I've been lookin for Day Glo
Always hearing the same ole'
Sticky boredom with a book
I can make it do things you wouldn't think it ever would
"Why, is that so groovy?"
7. Rare Songs
Bambi Slaughter / Bambi Kill
Come On Death
Down In The Dark
Help Me, I'm Hungry
I Hate Myself And Want To Die
In His Room / In His Hands / Verse Chorus Verse
Spank Thru
Talk To Me
The 'Priest' They Called Him
You've Got No Right / On The Mountain / You Know You're Right

Note: For some of these songs, several titles are listed. The title in bold is the correct one while the others are titles the songs have been given on bootlegs and other sources. Please refer to them by the correct title. This section only includes original Nirvana and Kurt Cobain compositions (except for Down In The Dark).

Bambi Slaughter / Bambi Kill

Hey, the love of two
A desire, is whats for you
is it real? A lulliby?
Face to face, with an unamed mouth
Hey! Hey! Heyyyy! Hey! hey! Heyyyy!
Feel the spirit form, in his eyes was loving for
And his lion's were raging high, hunts himself & fears his ripe
Hey! Hey! Heyyyy! Hey! Hey! Heyyyy!

Come On Death

I am so surly, and I am so surly
And come on life in, and come on deaaaath
ohaaaaaahhhh, ohaaaaaaaahahah, ohaaaaaaoooohoh
Surly, and I am so surly, and I am so surly
And come on life in, and come on ...
Noooooooooooo, noooooooooo, nooooooooooo, nooooooooooo
Surly, and I am so surly, and I am so surly
And I am so surly, oooooaaaaaahhhh
Deaaaaaaaath, deaaaaaath, deaaaaaaaaath, deaaaaaaaaaaath
Come on death, come on death, come on death, come on death
Surly, surly, surly, surly
I'm does finishing to hell
And I'm does, and I'm does hell, hell, heeelllllllll
Come on death (x4) -- ohaaaaaaaahh
Come on death (x4) -- deaaaaaaaaaaath

Performed in New York, NY on 09/28/91.

Down In The Dark

Baby you're going Down In The Dark
Show my lonely night is fallen and I don't have very long
Think [I] might of broke my boil
Within my face might burn
You're gonna make it better for a little while
Baby you're gonna die someday
See you in your crowded wasted , then you start to fade
That when we start singing faster
I wouldn't wait so long
Won't get any easier in the Dark
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeahh
You Will, You Will, You Will....

Originally by Mark Lanegan

In His Room / In His Hands / Verse Chorus Verse

Driven conversations, even I can read
Wouldn't want to fake it, and I'm tired of this dream
Taking medications, in the back of the room
Driven conversations, he died in June.
See the stab wounds in his hands
See him dying in his room
He's dying in his room
He's dying in his room
Heading for me, heading this way
He is coming, I don't care
Wouldn't want to fake it, well I don't mind
Giving conversations to a friend of mine
Giving medications, in a lighted room
Wouldn't want to fake it, I know I should
See the stab wounds in his hands
You killed him, I don't care
Keep a promise, you would too
Keep a promise, even you
See the silence in his head
He is coming, I don't care

We're not gonna make it, well I don't mind
Wouldn't want to fake it, but I have this time
Giving conversations, to whom they don't know
Taking medications till my stomach's full.
See a famine in his head
See him coming at their heels
He loves you, give him a chance
I don't love him, I don't care
See him starving, give her hell
It is over, we don't care In His Room

Live version. Check the NFC FAQ for more info on this song.

Talk To Me

Shake it down easy, shake it down sleazy, come on
Shake it down easy, shake yourself, Suzy, come on
Don't let me detain you
Try to ride along
Don't you lie, knowing
I am not sad
I am not silly
I am not chippin'
I am not chippin' away
Talk to me
In your own language, please
In your own
Talk to me
In your own language please
Shake it down easy, make it sound seamy, doll man
Make it sound now, make it full house, sad man
Leader of the band
Makes a mental hell
I won't weather it well
Well I never
Saw it with my arm
Paint it with my heart
Paint it with my eyes and make it right
Lay down easy, lay it down seamy, sad man
Lay down easy, lay it down seamy, sad man
You don't want to hear this
Nothin' but a whore
I will play the leader
With pain
Now you know I'm needy
Lay them down easy
Lay them down easy
Talk to me
In your own language please

The 'Priest' They Called Him

"Fight tuberculosis, folks." Christmas Eve, an old
junkie selling Christmas seals on North Park Street.
The "Priest," they called him. "Fight tuberculosis, folks."
People hurried by, gray shadows on a distant wall.
It was getting late and no money to score.
He turned into a side street and the lake wind hit him like a knife.
Cab stop just ahead under a streetlight.
Boy got out with a suitcase. Thin kid in prep school clothes,
familiar face, the Priest told himself, watching from the doorway.
"Remindsme of something a long time ago." The boy, there, with his overcoat
unbuttoned, reaching into his pants pocket for the cab fare.
The cab drove away and turned the corner. The boy went inside
a building. "Hmm, yes, maybe" - the suitcase was there in the doorway.
The boy nowhere in sight. Gone to get the keys, most likely,
have to move fast. He picked up the suitcase and started for the corner.
Made it. Glanced down at the case. It didn't look like the case the boy had,
or any boy would have. The Priest couldn't put his finger on what was so
old about the case. Old and dirty, poor quality leather, and heavy.
Better see what's inside. He turned into Lincoln Park, found an
empty place and opened the case. Two severed human legs that belonged to
a young man with dark skin. Shiny black leg hairs glittered in the
dim streetlight. The legs had been forced into the case and he had to use
his knee on the back of the case to shove them out. "Legs, yet,"
he said, and walked quickly away with the case.
Might bring a few dollars to score. The buyer sniffed suspiciously.
"Kind of a funny smell about it." "It's just Mexican leather."
"Well, some joker didn't cure it."
The buyer looked at the case with cold disfavor.
"Not even right sure he killed it, whatever it is.
Three is the best I can do and it hurts. But since this is Christmas
and you're the Priest..." he slipped three bills under the table into the
Priest's dirty hand. The Priest faded into the street shadows, seedy
and furtive. Three cents didn't buy a bag, nothing less than a nickel.
Say, remember that old Addie croaker told me not to come back unless
I paid him the three cents I owe him. Yeah, isn't that a fruit for ya,
blow your stack about three lousy cents.
The doctor was not pleased to see him.
"Now, what do you WANT? I TOLD you!"

The Priest laid three bills on the table. The doctor put the
money in his pocket and started to scream.
"I've had TROUBLES! PEOPLE have been around!
I may lose my LICENSE!" The Priest just sat there, eyes, old and heavy with
years of junk, on the doctor's face.
"I can't write you a prescription." The doctor jerked open a drawer
and slid an ampule across the table. "That's all I have in the OFFICE!"
The doctor stood up. "Take it and GET OUT!" he screamed, hysterical.
The Priest's expression did not change.
The doctor added in quieter tones, "After all, I'm a professional man,
and I shouldn't be bothered by people like you."
"Is that all you have for me? One lousy quarter G? Couldn't you lend
me a nickel...?" "Get out, get out, I'll call the police I tell you."
"All right, doctor, I'm going." Of course it was cold and far to walk,
rooming house, a shabby street, room on the top floor.
"These stairs," coughed the Priest there, pulling himself up along the
bannister. He went into the bathroom, yellow wall panels,
toilet dripping, and got his works from under the washbasin.
Wrapped in brown paper, back to his room, get every drop in the dropper.
He rolled up his sleeve. Then he heard a groan from next door,
room eighteen. The Mexican kid lived there, the Priest had passed him on
the stairs and saw the kid was hooked, but he never spoke, because he
didn't want any juvenile connections, bad news in any language.
The Priest had had enough bad news in his life.
He heard the groan again, a groan he could feel, no mistaking that groan
and what it meant. "Maybe he had an accident or something.
In any case, I can't enjoy my priestly medications with that sound coming
through the wall." Thin walls you understand. The Priest put down his
dropper, cold hall, and knocked on the door of room eighteen.
"Quien es?" "It's the Preist, kid, I live next door."
He could hear someone hobbling across the floor.
A bolt slid. The boy stood there in his underwear shorts, eyes black with
pain. He started to fall. The Priest helped him over to the bed.
"What's wrong, son?" "It's my legs, senor, cramps, and now I am without
medicine." The Priest could see the cramps, like knots of wood there
in the young legs, dark shiny black leg hairs.
"A few years ago I damaged myself in a bicycle race,
it was then that the cramps started." And now he has the leg cramps back
with compound junk interest. The old Priest stood there, feeling the boy
groan. He inclined his head as if in prayer, went back and got his dropper.
"It's just a quarter G, kid." "I do not require much, senor."
The boy was sleeping when the Priest left room eighteen.
He went back to his room and sat down on the bed.
Then it hit him like heavy silent snow. All the gray junk yesterdays.
He sat there received the immaculate fix. And since he was himself a priest,
there was no need to call one.

You've Got No Right / On The Mountain / You Know You're Right

I would never bother you
I would never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you
Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never failed to fail
Pain! (x3)
You know you're right (x3)
It's so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
There's talk about someone else
Steaming, soon begins to melt
Nothin' really bothers her
She just wants to love herself
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it'd come to this
Things have never been so swell
And I have never failed to fail

Pain! (x5)

You know you're right (x12)
You know your rights (x4)

Pain ...

These are the lyrics for Nirvana's 1/94 studio version (released on
the "NIRVANA" album). Note: The correct title of the song is "You Know You're Right"
and NOT "On a Mountain". See the NFC FAQ for more details on this.

7. Isi dan Arti dari lagu-lagu dari album Bleach
Album Bleach dirilis pada Juni tahun 1989 oleh Sub Pop Records di Seattle, Washington. Kopi pertama pada 1000 di luncurkan dgn vinil putih. 2000 kopi berikutnya dgn poster. Direkam pada Reciprocal Recording oleh Jack Endino untuk harga $606.17, dibayar ole Jason Everman. Semua lagu ditulis dan dibuat oleh Kurt Cobain kecuali Love Buzz ditulis oleh Robby Van Leeuwen. Anda dapat membelinya di toko kaset terdekat, hhhhhhiiihiii ^^,

Kurdt Kobain: Vocals, guitar
Chris Novoselic: Bass
Chad Channing: Drums
Jason Everman: Guitar (didn't actually appear in this album)
Dale Crover: Drums on Floyd The Barber, Paper Cuts and Downer
Front cover photo: by Tracy Marander.
Inner photos: by Charles Peterson
Design: Lisa Orth
Execution: Jane Higgins

Blew - keseluruhan lagu ini menyampaikan tentang tema penjeratan

Floyd the Barber - Lagu yg bercerita tentang kota kecil yg berubah jadi buruk, judul ini diambil dari karakter The Andy Griffith Show. Setiap orang berubah menjadi pembunuh masal. Lagu ini juga menunjukkan Freudian castration fears. - Drums: Dale Crover

About A Girl - Lagu ini ditujukkan untuk pacar kurt cobain, tracy, dia mengancam akan mengusir kurt dari rumah jika tak mendapat pekerjaan

School - lagu ini tentang pandangan di kota seattle yg terkesan sumbang. band ini menyerupai geng sekolah ( SMU )

Love Buzz - Lagu yg di cover dari band Soacking blue dari belanda

Paper Cuts - berdasarkan kisah nyata kurt cobain ketika berkenalan dengan anggota keluarganya yg baru, pengkhianatan, dsb- Drums: Dale Crover

Negative Creep - orang narasi yg berkecimpung dalam anti sosial

Scoff - lagu yg langsung ditujukkan kepada orang-orang yg melawan dan tidak menghargai karya kurt sebagai musisi

Swap Meet - pertarungan antar ras ( jenis kelamin ) yg dilatarbelakangi di Sunday swap meet

Mr. Moustache - berbicara tentang stereotip lelaki jantan ( maco, tidak banci )

Sifting - berbicara tentang pengambilan dan kekuasaan guru dan pengkhotbah

Big Cheese -lagu ini ditulis oleh Sub Pop man Jonathan Poneman dan tekanannya pada band ini

Downer - Kurt mencoba pada politik. - Drums: Dale Crover
Isi dan arti dari lagu-lagu Nirvana dari Album NEVERMINDS

Album Nevermind dirilis pada 24 September 1991 oleh Geffen Records. Ini adalah album Nirvana yang paling popular dan terkenal. Kopian 20.000 CD pertama mereka ada lagu yang tersembunyi yang berjudul "Endless Nameless" tapi karena suatu kecelakaan teknis maka lagu tersebut tertinggal dan tidak di cantumkan. 50.000 CD kopian berikutnya juga mempunyai lagu yang tersembunyi juga. .
Bayi yang ada pada sampul depan album adalah Spencer Eldon. Dia berumur 4 bulan ketika foto itu diambil pada sekitar tahun 1991.
Judul "Smells like teen spirit" muncul dan datang ketika suatu hari Kurt dan temannya berdiskusi tentang revolusi yang terjadi pada remaja, mereka kemudian mabuk dan teman kurt tersebut menulis di dinding kurt seperti 'Kurt smells like teen spirit.' Kurt kemudian terinspirasi, dia kemudian berpikir bahwa dia mungkin tipe orang yang mendorong untuk pemberontakan remaja. Jadi dia pergi dan menulis lagu ini. Dia berpikir bahwa baunya seperti deodorant. Kurt tidak pernah mendengar sebelumnya tentang deodorant ini. Dia mengklaim bahwa Teen Spirit itu digunakannya sendiri

Tapi dari judul “Smells Like Teen Spirit” ini juga ada versi yang menyebutkan bahwa kurt terinspirasi wangi-wangian ( deodorant yang dipakai Tobi Vail seusai mereka bercinta ) dan bau tersebut masih melekat pada tubuh kurt….!!!!


Kurt Cobain: Guitar, Vocals
Chris Novoselic: Bass, Vocals
Dave Grohl: Drums, Vocals
Kirk Canning: Cello on "Something in the way"
Produced and engineered by: Butch Vig and Nirvana
Mixed by: Andy Wallace
Recorded at: Sound City, Van Nuys, CA
Assistant Engineer: Jeff Sheehan
Assistant Engineer: Craig Doubet
Art Design: Robert Fisher
Photos: Micheal Lavine
Monkey Photo: Kurt Cobain
Cover Photo: Kirk Weddle

The Meanings of the songs

Smells Like Teen Spirit – Perlawanan dan serangan tentang kjelesuan yang terjadi pada generasi remaja saat ini.

In Bloom – Perlawanan dan sindiran kepada orang yang mendengarkan musik untuk alasan yang salah. Sebagai contoh, lelaki yang macho ( jantan / tidak banci ) , lelaki yang saling berdekatan untuk menyanyikan lagu Nirvana ( lelaki homo ), tetapi mereka tidak tahu`petunjuk`dan`makna`dari`lagu`tersebut.

Come As You Are – Lagu yang penuh penyangkalan / pertentangan tentang bagaimana seharusnya ketika bertindak / bersikap melawan bagaimana kita berpikir tentang masyarkat`yang`seharusnya`kita`lakukan.

Breed – Tumbuh besar dan terjebak dalam lingkungan Anerika kelas menengah.

Lithium – Orang pertama dalam cerita yang bercerita tentang ketidak percayaan dirinya yang sangat terperinci. Pujian untuk ketidak sambungan. Terjemahan lain : sesuatu juga akan berhubungan juga, walaupun sebagai penderita bi-polar dan kedua-duanya mempunyai`sisi`yang`sangat`berbeda

Polly – Berdasarkan kisah nyata penculikan dan penyiksaan gadis berumur 14 tahun.

Territorial Pissings –Banyak tema lagu yang melawan lelaki jantan ( macho,tidak banci ).


Drain You – Lagu tentang kemudahan dan kedataran tentang cinta. Tema yang Sangat tinggi.

Lounge Act – Lagu tentang tujuan yang pasti dan menjadi tercekik dan menahan dan menutupi`dengan`sebuah`hubungan.



Something in the Way – Lagu tentang pengalaman kurt tinggal di bawah jembatan Seattle ketika dia pergi dari rumah. Jangan berpikir dia jarang tinggal di jembatan, ini bisa jadi salah.`Jadi`lagu`in`ibercerita`tentang`kesendirian,Outsider!!!

Endless, Nameless – Sebelumnya diberi judul “The Noise Jam” Lagu ini diambil ketika latihan pada Lithium berubah menjadi buruk

8. Jurnal : Surat Cinta Kurt kepada Courtney

Spring 1993: 'I parade you around proundly...'
In February, Cobain and Love celebrate their first anniversary; a tempestuous relationship which Cobain tries to make sense of in his sketch of a letter.



Spring 1993: 'I parade you around proundly...'
In February, Cobain and Love celebrate their first anniversary; a tempestuous relationship which Cobain tries to make sense of in his sketch of a letter.

Content :
Courtney, When I say I love you. I am not ashamed, nor will anyone ever ever come close intimidating persuading, etc me into thinking otherwise. I wear you on my sleeve. I spread you out wide open with flewing span of a peacock, yet all too often with the attention span of a bullet to the head. I think it’s pathetic that the entire world looks upon a person with patience and a calm demeanor as the desired model citizen, yet there’s something to be said about to explain oneself with a toned down, tune deaf tone and I will say it. I am what they call the boy who is slow. How I metamorphosised from hyperactive to cement is for lasic of a better knife to the throat uh, annoying, aggrevating, confusing as dense as cement. Cement holds no other minerals. You can’t event finds fools gold in it. It’s strictly man made and you’ve taught me it’s ok to be a man and in the classic mans world. I parade you around proudly like the ring on my finger which also holds no mineral. Love Kurt


8. Referensi dan Sumber

dan lain-lain yang belum tercantum
terima kasih

Sari Maras Dika


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dean chord mengatakan...

Nirvana puanjang sekali artikelnya gan...

Sliver Nirvana mengatakan...

Sliver nirvana: Mom and dad went to a show,
Enak reinagn riang, gelap dan grunge

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